Making a difference | Why SEND schools are so important

The role of SEND schools The heart of a SEND school is its ability to create an inclusive and accommodating learning environment for students. These schools are built around the idea that every child deserves an education tailored to their skills and needs.    This approach ensures that students with SEND can reach their full […]

Why quality education is more important than ever

Societal progress and sustainable development Schooling and education play a critical role in the way society progresses, especially at a time when sustainable development is so incredibly crucial. Quality education leads to informed citizenship, thoughtful behaviour, and a sense of responsibility to the local community as well as the environment. It empowers children and teenagers […]

Thinking of becoming a supply teacher? Here’s why you should!

– Flexible schedule  Being a supply teacher offers much more flexibility than being a permanent teacher. Your hours and schedules aren’t as set in stone as those who have committed to full-time teaching. You can choose when you want to work, giving you the opportunity to have a better work-life balance.    This flexibility gives […]

Modern technology and how it’s changing the way we teach

Digital learning platforms  Digital learning platforms have become the cornerstone of today’s teaching practices, providing educators with the tools to create interactive lessons, share multimedia resources, and engage students in ways that weren’t possible a few years ago.    Platforms like Google Classroom, Canvas, and Moodle allow students and teachers to communicate seamlessly while being […]

New to teaching? Here are our top 10 tips!

1. Get to know your students Take the time to understand your students and get to know their backgrounds, interests, and learning styles. Building positive relationships with your students is crucial if you want to become an effective teacher. Of course, this is something that takes time, but the first step should be taken on […]

Transparency in recruitment – what to look for in a recruitment partner

We’ve compiled six points that we recommend you consider when looking for your next career move or staff for your school: Trust Trust is the most important factor when it comes to dealing with a recruiter. Do you trust them to do the right thing for you or your school? Are they simply saying what […]

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