

An ethical and fair approach to business



An ethical and fair approach to business

Grow with us

Now Education consists of seven business units (and growing!) across England and Wales. Each of our units is run by minority shareholders, invested in the business and the work that’s being done. We believe that, by making our team shareholders in the business, we’re able to achieve more and provide a fairer outcome for everyone involved.


Drive the business goals forward by claiming an active role in its development.

Join an experienced team that helps you develop professionally

Experience a more autonomous and trusting work environment

See the monetary rewards for your hard work in the form of quarterly dividends

Investment in training and development, shared knowledge

Full back-office support and access to the resources you need for success

Fully funded departments to start hiring billing consultants from day one (earning potential right from the start)

The Noticeboard

News, events, and blogs presented by the Now Education team.

I am a teacher

Interested in joining our community? Great! Please fill in this form and we’ll put you in touch with a consultant. We look forward to working with you!

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